Square Enix在昨天(2023年6月2日)宣布「FFVII REBIRTH開發順利,現在正在調整發售時期的階段」之後。前Game Informer編輯Imran Khan發表文章,解釋了為何Square Enix忽然宣布這項消息的原因。
Imran Khan表示:「Square Enix最近對《FF16》的預購量略感不安,因為目前《FF16》的預購量比當年《FF15》的預購量還低。雖然預購量只是用來預估首日保底銷售量,實際銷售量也許會讓人大吃一驚。但就目前的情況來看,我想Square Enix可能是想提醒大家《FF7 重製版》三部曲的存在,並且投入更多時間做宣傳。」
I bring this up because I had heard recently that Square Enix is panicking slightly over Final Fantasy XVI preorder numbers, which are tracking behind FFXV even accounting for the lesser number of launching platforms. Granted, those are pre-order numbers and they’re usually only useful to gauge guaranteed day-one sales (versus potential day-one sales), so the actual number could blow everyone away. But with the current tracking, I wonder if they want to remind people the next chapter of Final Fantasy VII’s remake trilogy exists and give it more marketing time than they had planned.
The initial sales of Remake were quite good, but it slowed down faster than Square Enix seemed to expect, so I imagine they really want Rebirth to sell as well as possible. Well, of course they do, but I imagine they’re really, really hoping for an uptick in sales.